Saturday, February 25, 2012

msdb restore?

A terrible event has occurred. Our SQL Server 2000 database was attacked and
the master, msdb, etc was deleted. We used a utility to undelete those files
and have saved them. We had to reinstall Windows and SQL Server, but am
unable to replace the msdb. We have no backup so that isn't an option. Is
there a way to restore our DTS packages from the original msdb? Thanks.
Did you try attaching it with a different name?
(Reverse address to reply.)
"Phill" <> wrote in message
> A terrible event has occurred. Our SQL Server 2000 database was attacked
> the master, msdb, etc was deleted. We used a utility to undelete those
> and have saved them. We had to reinstall Windows and SQL Server, but am
> unable to replace the msdb. We have no backup so that isn't an option.
> there a way to restore our DTS packages from the original msdb? Thanks.
|||I tried but I get the following error:
I/O error 38(Reached the end of the file.) detected during read at offset
0000000000000000 in file 'C:\Mymsdbdata.mdf'.
Connection Broken
"Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> Did you try attaching it with a different name?
> --
> (Reverse address to reply.)
> "Phill" <> wrote in message
> and
> files
> Is
|||> I tried but I get the following error:
What *exactly* did you try? I see that you renamed the MDF file, I meant to
attach as a different database name.
If the file is corrupt, and you may be S.O.L. (this is what backups are
(Reverse address to reply.)
"Phill" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> I/O error 38(Reached the end of the file.) detected during read at offset
> 0000000000000000 in file 'C:\Mymsdbdata.mdf'.
> Connection Broken
> "Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
|||I copied the mdf and ldf files to Mymsdbdata.mdf and Mymsdblog.ldf. The I
ran the following in Query Analyser:
exec sp_attach_db @.dbname =
N'Mymsdb',@.filename1=N'C:\Mymsdbdata.mdf',@.filenam e2=N'C:\Mymsdblog.ldf'
"Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> What *exactly* did you try? I see that you renamed the MDF file, I meant to
> attach as a different database name.
> If the file is corrupt, and you may be S.O.L. (this is what backups are
> for).
> --
> (Reverse address to reply.)
> "Phill" <> wrote in message
> attacked
> those
> am
> option.
> Thanks.
|||The data file is 0k, but the log file has data in it. I'm hoping that since
msdb was never backed up that it can be rebuilt using the log file. Can this
be done?
"Phill" wrote:
> I copied the mdf and ldf files to Mymsdbdata.mdf and Mymsdblog.ldf. The I
> ran the following in Query Analyser:
> exec sp_attach_db @.dbname =
> N'Mymsdb',@.filename1=N'C:\Mymsdbdata.mdf',@.filenam e2=N'C:\Mymsdblog.ldf'
> "Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
|||I think you may have to open a case with PSS, or cut your losses. In the
future: backup is a very important word.
(Reverse address to reply.)
"Phill" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> I copied the mdf and ldf files to Mymsdbdata.mdf and Mymsdblog.ldf. The I
> ran the following in Query Analyser:
> exec sp_attach_db @.dbname =
> N'Mymsdb',@.filename1=N'C:\Mymsdbdata.mdf',@.filenam e2=N'C:\Mymsdblog.ldf'
> "Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
meant to[vbcol=seagreen]
|||Thanks Aaron. I knida knew that answer but didn't want to hear it.
"Aaron [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> I think you may have to open a case with PSS, or cut your losses. In the
> future: backup is a very important word.
> --
> (Reverse address to reply.)
> "Phill" <> wrote in message
> meant to
> offset
> but

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