Friday, March 30, 2012

MSDE and Enterprise Manager

I have just installed (new clean install) of MSDE 3a. On another machine I have enterprise manager, and I thought I would be able to access it, but when I try to register it in EM it gives me the following error: SERVERNAME - SQL Server does not exist or access denied, Connection Open(Connect(). I have done this in the past with no problem. Did I forget a parameter on the install of 3a to allow other machines to access or do I have some other security issue?Depends on the configuration of MSDE. If you have enabled (using sapwd flag on setup.exe) SQL authentication, you can authenticate with these credentials. However, I did not try to connect to an MSDE instance running on another box with Enterprise Manager yet. But AFAIK, SQL auth should work fine in this case.|||I did configure it for SQL authentication.sql

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