Friday, March 30, 2012

MSDE and DDL error

I have recently set up MSDE through a SharePoint services
install. I added a database, but when I go to add a table
through Visual Studio or osql I get the error "ADO error:
DDL statement is not allowed." I have tried to modify the
DDL settings in my database through >> exec sp_dboption
mydatabase, "ddl in tran", true <<, but "ddl in tran" is
not a recognized option any longer. Anyone know a
workaround on this? THANKS>Check your MDAC version
Try to update it.
All information provided above AS IS.
"Stephen Haiman" <> wrote in message
> I have recently set up MSDE through a SharePoint services
> install. I added a database, but when I go to add a table
> through Visual Studio or osql I get the error "ADO error:
> DDL statement is not allowed." I have tried to modify the
> DDL settings in my database through >> exec sp_dboption
> mydatabase, "ddl in tran", true <<, but "ddl in tran" is
> not a recognized option any longer. Anyone know a
> workaround on this? THANKS>

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